Multi-layered sandwich tart

The popular Swedish smorgastarta is a fantastic addition to any smorgasbord, especially at this time of year. It takes a while to prepare, but since it's served cold, the host has plenty of time to socialize. 

  • The Swedish smörgåstårta can be a thing of beauty - as well as healthy, delicious and fun, especially when it's cut like a cake. Image source Pinterest
  • Smörgåstårta
    The first reference to smörgåstårta can be found in Danish playwright Ludvig Holmberg’s (1684-1754) comedies. It didn’t become popular in Sweden until the 1940s, however, but is today served frequently.
    Yield: 10-15 people
    Prep Time: About 60 minutes
    Chill Time: About 2 hours

  • For traditional food, recipes or trends, <a href="">SUBSCRIBE</a> to Nordstjernan, The Swedish periodical of America - a constant source of fun and inspiration made for you.
  • Ingredients:

    -2 loaves of two kinds of bread, preferably one light and one dark. French bread and something whole wheat.

    -1/2 cup roe (caviar)

    -3-4 tbsp chopped dill

    -3 hard boiled eggs, chopped

    -1 cup soft cheese, cream cheese or similar
    -1/2 cup smoked ham, chopped

    -3/4 cup liverwurst/paté (soft spread)
4 tbsp cucumber pickles, chopped

1 cup of mayonnaise

    For decoration:

    -Lemon slices





  • Make a Swedish smörgåstårta, a Scandinavian treat composed like a sandwich, but with such a large amount of filling that it more resembles a layered cream cake with a garnished top.
  • Directions
    Mix 1:
 roe (caviar)
 and dill, hard boiled eggs.
    Mix 2: 
soft cheese, smoked ham.
    Mix 3:
 liverwurst/paté, cucumber pickles
    Mix each of the mixes in separate bowls.
    Cut the bread in 1/2-inch slices and cut off the crust (the crust destroys the smörgåstårta). You need two slices of light and two slices of dark bread.
    Spread a thin layer of butter on both sides of the bread except the bottom and the top sides.
    Start with a light piece of bread and spread an evenly layer of Mix 1 on it.
    Put a dark piece on it and cover it with Mix 2, then a light piece of bread and cover it with Mix 3. Then you put a dark piece of bread on that. Cover the cake with plastic foil and press it together a little. Put it in the fridge for a couple of hours, but preferably the day before you’ll serve it. (You can also store it in the freezer for a couple of weeks, before you take it out to decorate it and serve it).
    Take out the cake and spread a thin layer of mayonnaise on it. Decorate it with the following: Lemon slices, shrimp, dill, tomatoes, cucumber, cheese, ham or salmon. You can also cut the corners to make it look more like a tort. Serve the smörgåstårta with tossed salad.

  • A smörgåstårta can be made in as many ways as there are chefs...
  • Smörgåstårta is perfect for Midsummer, at birthday parties, garden parties or as lunch, brunch or night snack. It works well with coffee, tea, cider, wine or champagne. Click here for more recipe ideas.

  • Tip: If garnishing with shrimp, get the small, peeled Greenland shrimp sold at many Ikea stores.

  • Other essentials for the summer: Gravlax, the recipe - A variation, including the mustard sauce and, The tradition and preservation of fish in olden days